Outriders Patch Addresses Inventory Wipes, But Doesn’t Restore Lost Items Yet

GameSpot – Game News
The latest patch for Outriders is available now and, among other things, it addresses an issue that could cause player inventories to become wiped. This patch does not, however, restore any inventory content you might have lost.Square Enix said in a blog post that it feels confident that new Outriders patch should stop inventory wipes from happening in the future. To test things out, Square Enix will monitor the situation this weekend to make sure that’s the case, and then it will begin the process of restoring inventory content that players might have lost.”As soon as we are satisfied by the patch’s effectiveness, we will share extra details including timelines of our upcoming inventory restoration process,” the company said. More details will be shared on the restoration process at a later date.Square Enix said restoring lost inventory items continues to be the company’s “highest priority.” When the restoration process is solidified, it won’t require a patch, as it’s a server-side fix.There are some known issues related to the April 15 Outriders patch, including multiplayer connectivity issues and inventory items vanishing momentarily. Square Enix said this is to be expected and stressed that inventory items aren’t really gone for good. Restarting your game or waiting a few minutes and then restarting your game should bring the items back.Square Enix said you’re unlikely to experience the issue in the first place, as it’s described as an “edge case.” Still, the studio it plans to address this in a future update.The issues for Outriders at launch have proven to be a headache for those experiencing them, but the underlying game is generally being celebrated. In GameSpot’s Outriders review, Phil Hornshaw praised its use of cover-shooting and fantasy-style powers along with its endgame activities.
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Eddie MakuchOutriders Patch Addresses Inventory Wipes, But Doesn’t Restore Lost Items Yet