Vatican ruling on same-sex couples prompts defiance

EILE Magazine (Reuters) – The Vatican’s directive, banning the blessing of same-sex unions, has sparked defiance among some priests in Europe, and left bishops perplexed on how to minister to gay Catholics. Conservatives praised the ruling, issued on Monday by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, but it greatly disappointed gay Catholics,

Japan: Court says same-sex marriage bar ‘unconstitutional’

EILE Magazine (Reuters) – A Japanese court ruled on Wednesday that not allowing same-sex couples to get married is ‘unconstitutional’, setting a precedent in the only G7 nation not to fully recognise same-sex partnership. The ruling by a district court, the first in Japan on the legality of same-sex marriages, is a major symbolic victory,

Norway: Grindr must delete improperly collected data

EILE Magazine (Reuters) – Norway should force the Grindr dating app to erase illegally gathered data, on top of a recent threat to impose a large fine, the country’s influential Consumer Council said on Wednesday. Norway’s Data Protection Authority said on January 26 it planned to fine the LGBTQ+ app 100 million Norwegian crowns (9,920,363.48